Employee health and well-being is an essential part of an organisation’s growth. However, some programs and projects that aim to achieve the well-being of your workers can be too expensive and well beyond your company budget. Instead of trying these overboard ideas, there are simpler ways you can try to increase workplace well-being. Keep reading to find out some of the health and well-being improvement ideas that you can implement at your workplace. Something different can try for employee health like fresh fruit delivery.
Fitness Programmes
Get the whole office involved in a fitness program. Most of the individuals have fitness goals that are personalised. You can implement a fitness challenge that would call all the employees to work for a certain goal together. This would result in a team effort to improve the health of the workers. This would also compel the les motivated employees to work together with more motivated employers encouraging the former as well.
Bring Your Pet to Work Day
It is no secret that pets can make life a little easier just by being there for us. Having a pet around the workplace can not only make the place interesting but also a little more wholesome and can improve the spirits of all.
Once in a while, plan a bring-your-pet-to-work day so the employees can break their monotonous routine and instead engage in something more relaxing. Alternatively, you can get an office pet. Cats, dogs, fish, rabbits and hamsters are known as some of the most popular office pets.
Another thing that can relax us is music. Music can create both a good ambience and a lively work environment. Choose good, calming music that can help the employees focus instead of going for dance or party music that can be distracting.
Make sure that your music is not playing too loud either. Additional noise can be distracting to certain employees, especially those who have health problems such as ADHD. So, while music is a good mood booster, make sure it does not disrupt the employee routine or individual needs.

Promote Healthy Food
Instead of choosing for extra carbs and sugar for small celebrations, choose healthy alternatives. So instead of the everyday box of extra sweet doughnuts, you can choose fresh fruit delivery so that employees can celebrate any occasion with a healthier alternative to snacks. Introducing fruits at workplace is also a great way to encourage healthy eating among workers, ward off seasonal colds, control overeating and boost workplace energy.
Small Celebrations
Workplaces do not always have to be about making documents or planning projects. Instead, you can have small breaks or even small celebrations that can shake your employees out of boredom and monotony.
Have small celebrations to acknowledge birthdays, project completions, national holidays, or even celebrating the employee of the month. These do not have to be large over the top celebrations. Instead have small gatherings where employees can interact and just have a good time with each other.
Workplace improvement is not only about developing the infrastructure and introducing good furniture. While these factors help, it is also necessary to do little things that appreciate and reward your employees.