How To Find The Best Way To Learn

Best Way To Learn

Many people stumble upon the question: What is the best way to learn? Almost everything that we do is the result of learning. Our actions are the result of our knowledge. Some people take learning in an educational context. 

This process is ongoing, and we always learn new things in every step of life. It not only enhances our knowledge but also improves our comprehension skills. 

When we are born, we learn to speak first and then get our mother’s attention. We cry, then start to crawl, and then walk. We learn most of the things in educational institutions. It is where our personality development takes place. In addition, people tend to hire expert teachers to help children with English and Maths Tuition in Slough. In fact, you still can hire a tutor online even if you live in any part of the UK. 

We also learn from experiences, accidents and life lessons, TV, and other educational mediums. Perception also plays an integral role in the whole learning process. Our beliefs, failures, and even success all contribute to it.

A lot of variables influence the learning process. It’s not just the speed of learning but also how we use the information in various situations. How we improve ourselves, and how we manage our life. 

What Are the Best Ways To Learn New Things? 

To become a proficient learner is not something that will occur overnight, but there are a few things that you can try to become an efficient learner. Good learners always get more out of their study time and bring the learned practice into their daily routine. 

 Let’s begin with some of the best ways to learn.

1. Take Notes With Pen and Paper

Even though taking notes on laptops may seem to be a convenient and fast way to jot down things. However, this is not the case. It will not speed up your learning. However, nothing can beat the old fashioned way of taking notes with a pen and pad. It allows you to learn more, retain vital information, and amplify learning. Taking notes using this method will enable you to remember things for a more extended period. 

However, many people consider taking notes with their hands is time-consuming, but the process of jotting down notes fosters better understanding and improves memory. Rewriting the information in your words gives your brain more recalling power; thus, you can perform better in your exams. 

2. Sleep and Learning

You have a big exam tomorrow, a big test or even a meeting, and you are unprepared. You stay late at night to prepare things before the big day. No matter how exhausted you are the next day, your hard work will surely be rewarded, right?

Data indicates that there is a strong link between learning and sleeping. Proper sleep bolsters your memory and refreshes your brain. Short naps in the day are also instrumental in helping you perform better at work. Students who have plenty of sleep perform well academically and are also happier. 

3. Short Breaks

Overloading with a lot of information can sometimes lead to brain freeze. Your brain transmits the data to sensory receptors to process and store new details whenever you learn new things.

When we are not happy, anxious or stressed, our brain is zoned out, and we cannot retain information effectively. This brain shutdown occurs when we continuously work or do not take breaks. Students start losing focus and stop paying attention to the lecture.

When the memory banks shut down, it stops the flow of information. To avoid this, you need to take daily breaks; even a ten-minute break can relieve your brain of exhaustion and give you a chance to refocus. There has been a surge in education, and better teachers can understand how their students’ minds work.

4. Learning Styles

Different people have different learning styles. Some learn things quickly just by reading, some by listening, while some require all senses to retain information. Learning styles differ from person to person. There is no universal answer to which learning style suits you best. 

By learning and finding out the right learning style, you can better understand and improve your understanding of things. If a teacher can identify the learning style that suits a particular student, the teacher can help him succeed. 

The most popular model in learning style is known as the VARK model. VARK stands for visual, auditory, reading(includes writing) and kinesthetic. Here is their brief introduction: 

  • Visual learners perceive things better when they see them.
  • Audible listeners learn faster when they hear.
  • Some learners learn better by writing and studying.
  • While aesthetic learners better understand things when they are moving.


The best way to learn is the method that suits you the most. However, it is essential to explore a few learning styles to find out what works best for you. There are many ways to enhance your memory and learning power. To become more efficient as a learner, you should regularly learn new things, use distributed practice, and test yourself frequently.

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