How to Outsource Software Testing?

Outsource Software Testing

Many companies are often unable to complete the comprehensive QA testing that their products need.  By outsourcing the testing process to a professional QA provider, organizations can rely on a competent vendor that manages the entire scope of their testing and QA activities.

So how do you outsource software testing while ensuring that you optimize the overall testing process, keep costs low, and access competitive QA methodologies? Here are the key points to get started.

1. Communication Is The Key

An effective communication channel is crucial when outsourcing QA.Since your developers cannot walk down and have a word with the QA engineers, a comprehensive communication infrastructure will enable you to unify teams and yield maximum results. 

Work on a  communication plan that includes video and phone calls, conferences, messaging, and email. Weekly and monthly meetings will ensure that your onsite and offshore teams are on the same page.

2. Ensure Proper Documentation

When you outsource software testing, your QA engineers must have a clear picture of the goals you expect them to achieve. Proper documentation will ensure that your goals are well-defined and shared appropriately, which is crucial for the entire QA process.

Some standard documentation types are as under:

Documentation TypeDescription
Test PolicyMentions the principles, processes, and goals.
Test StrategyFeatures the types of testing required for the project.
Test PlanA comprehensive planning document featuring the scope, process, resources, timelines, etc. 
Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM)Aligns the project requirements to the test cases.
Defect ReportReport of all the bugs identified post-testing.
Test Summary ReportA high-level document that summarizes the executed tests along with their results.

3. Clear Up the Requirements

Discuss the product’s requirements with your QA team before the first test script is run, so your QA engineers may drive the testing process as per their assumptions and experience. 

Schedule daily, weekly, and monthly meetings based on the requirements in order to keep everyone on track and prevent any last-minute hassles.

4. Emphasize on Project Management

All successful projects have one thing in common – the team is aware of their roles and responsibilities throughout the process.

Choose the right leader to manage your project. They should be familiar with the requirements as well as the skill sets and strengths of the QA engineers.
Do you want a reliable team of QA engineers that can help you optimize your existing QA processes without the associated setup costs and hassle? Connect with QASource today for complete information.

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