Decades before, the classified market was not the same as how it appears today. People used to advertise their used products for sale in newspapers, inviting the buyers for their products. It was pretty challenging, and there were also misconceptions among the buyers and sellers.
Thanks to technology for giving us a unique platform to sell or buy products. The arrival of online marketplace apps provides a whole new dimension for buying and selling goods to other users. Apps like OLX and Letgo allow people to sell their products to other app users in no time.
Currently, these marketplace apps are gaining popularity among people. On the other hand, entrepreneurs also show great interest to invest in these apps as they are highly profitable. Are you an entrepreneur with an idea to invest in marketplace apps? Then, you will indeed find this blog helpful as we will deal with the insights of developing an app like OLX.
Why will OLX clone be an enticing option for entrepreneurs to begin their business?
OLX is a leading marketplace app that started in 2006. Currently, the app is available in 45 countries. Developing an app is not an easy task. It is pretty challenging as it involves many complex operations and processes. To create an app from the ground up will take around 5 to 6 months to complete and expensive.
Instead, entrepreneurs can opt for cost-effective options. An OLX clone is a ready-to-launch app developed with the same distinctive features as the former. A ready-made OLX clone app will save you time and money. With this app, you can aim to launch your app in the blink of an eye.
How does an OLX clone work?
Upon downloading the app, the users can register with the app by giving their credentials
The sellers can upload their products with a description
- The admin will overlook the product and verifies it
- After the verification, the app will display your product for other user’s view
- Interested users will search their products from the app by browsing it
- The buyers and sellers will negotiate the price
- The seller will deliver the product to the buyer

What are the ways to make money through your OLX clone app?
Transaction fee
A marketplace app is a better place for entrepreneurs to earn considerably. Through your OLX clone script, you can make a commission fee or transaction fee from the buyers and sellers for using your platform to buy and sell their products.
Premium ad fee
This option is exclusively available for sellers who need additional features. You can levy a sum of money from the sellers to place their products at the top of the search lists. The sellers can also advertise their products in the app.
Google ads
You can enable the Google ads in your app and considerably earn more money. This will also help you to increase the traffic of your app.
Advertisements are the following big way of earning money. You can invite third parties to advertise in your app and earn revenue from them.
How much does it cost to develop an app like OLX?
As discussed earlier, opting for a ready-to-launch OLX clone app will be the most cost-effective solution. But when it comes to the cost of developing an app, there are specific determinants that play a significant role in deciding the price for app development.
Let us discuss various factors that determine the app development cost,
- Cross-compatibility of the app
- App design
- Size of the app
- Technology utilized for the app development
Wrapping up,
Online marketplace apps are emerging as popular apps among people to buy and sell their used products online. Entrepreneurs need to opt for the best app development companies to develop their robust OLX clone app.
At Appdupe, we offer best-in-class services with enchanting features for the users. Our white-label OLX clone is entirely customized for our clients. Interested entrepreneurs can approach us and schedule a meeting with our expert team.