Remodelling kitchens are one of the largest markets in architectural industry at present, and they indeed are the favourite of most interior designers and architects. Glass display cabinets are one of the most important members of that journey. Let us trace the journey of a modern kitchen and how it derived the modern look in this infographic.
The cupboards which were just used to store crockeries and other kitchen equipment have evolved too, along with the look and feel of the kitchens. How the glass cabinets looked back in the early 20th century, were very different from the ones we see currently around us.
The Evolution of Kitchen Cabinets Through the Ages
In the 1920s, a freestanding, metal kitchen cabinet, typically in white colour, was used in the home kitchens. In the 1930s, the kitchen cabinets were made from wood and metal. These had countertops that had smooth-finishes. Even after 20 years of existence, these remained popular.
The modern kitchen started taking shape in the 1940s. The elements of the modern kitchen were colour coordinated, unit cabinets with continuous and textured countertops.
The decade post the Second World War saw L-shaped or U-shaped kitchens, which were decorated in bright colours and checkered floors, having rounded corners, which added to the glam quotient of the kitchens.
In the 1960s, more dramatic colours entered into the kitchen and the kitchens started getting decked up with detailed wallpapers, countertops with bright tiles and gold accents. In the next decade, earthy tones were the most popular, along with wood, brass and vinyl cabinets.
In the 1980s, the modern kitchen took its first baby steps that included geometric patterns and curved edged cabinets.
In the next decade, oak cabinetry in simple colours and maple-glazed cabinets made their presence felt in the kitchen.
In the 2000s, the busy, modern families chose woody kitchens over everything. This attracted the architects and this became the focal design point.
In 2010 and 2020, white colour was prevalent in the kitchen.
Even after the variation of cabinet colours over the decades, the attachment retail displays and glass display cabinets have remained.