What is Managed Care & its Different Types
What is Managed care? So what exactly is managed care? Managed care is a way to reduce healthcare costs and provide better patient services. It is a network of providers that agree to certain standards and pay specific costs. Managed care also focuses on the prevention of waste and managing utilities that help patients, while […]
5 Reasons You Should Say No To Plastic
Plastic bags are a handy option to transport our products when we shop. They’re an integral feature of our lives today but we do not tend to think about them much. In reality, it’s believed that as many as 10-million plastic baggies are being used every minute in the world. 300-700 plastic bags are in the hands […]
Medical Risk Adjustment: What is it, Importance and Benefits
What Is Risk Adjustment? Risk adjustment is a yearly process that companies use to reimburse health plans for the cost of bringing on patients. If one applied risk management, and your health plan has more than the average number of patients with chronic illness, it will be eligible for risk-adjusted payments. If the plan has […]
Benefits of Our Tree Planting Campaign in Ahmedabad
Trees are beneficial in filtering the air we breathe & water we drink. They also contribute by providing habitat to over 80% of terrestrial biodiversity in the world. That is not it! They are also responsible for providing jobs to 1.6 billion people, absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and being one of the key […]
All About Divine Parad: Significance and Value in Hinduism
About Parad Parad is an auspicious metal that is acquired by treating mercury. When mercury solidifies it turns into Parad. This metal holds great significance in Hinduism and is known for having divine healing properties. The divine Parad is known to offer a range of benefits and healings to mankind. The process of transforming Mercury […]